Murielle Jean-Michel
Murielle Jean-Michel is an Applied Psychologist, Intercultural Social Professional, a NLP (Neuro Linguistic programmer) and an Emotional Intelligence Practitioner.
In her teenage years, she worked closely and volunteered in Government and Politics, Immigration, Education and Public Affairs where her opinions and suggestions were given for the policies that were being made in St.Maarten.
Among her peers, she was the spokesperson representing her country in debate teams and at UNICEF. She was also the Vice President of the Youth Parliament and the chairperson for Kingdom Youth Affairs in the Kingdom Youth Parliament.
Her vision as she puts it is ‘To Raise The Standard of Life’. It came to her attention that people do not always define the standards they should hold themselves accountable to. Instead, they hold on to the standards that were given to them by family members or by their society. In some cases, those standards are not always beneficial.
For example, a child that was always taught by their family that earning money as soon as possible is more important than getting an education may never pursue higher education because of this ‘family given standard’. Moreover, if someone was taught by their society that change can not occur, they may never ask themselves how can they contribute to the development of their society.
Murielle is a dynamic young woman that has a vast understanding of the world. She is compassionate about people and she is applying all that she has learned to serve society to build and rebuild societal structures through working with the leaders of countries and organisations in the Caribbean, Africa and other countries that can benefit from her work. It is no wonder that her peers consider her to be a citizen of the world. Personally, she is on a mission to grow and evolve, so that she can continuously increase her capacity to give back.
Her mission is to coach or train individuals/teams to clearly define the standards for their lives, businesses and organisations by co-jointly designing a uniquely tailored strategy that allows them to live by the standards they set. Whether it is coaching or training, she believes that they can get to the end goal together.
Ultimately, philanthropy is at the heart of everything she does. She says: “I’m fond of psychology, coaching and therapy techniques simply and only because it enables me to guide men and women to find their purpose, create direction for their lives, overcome toxic relationships, traumas as well as process and heal from the pain of their past”.
When she dies she wants to remembered for saying: “We must raise the standards by which we live because what we stand on tomorrow is solely determined by what we build today!”
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,